As you can imagine (no pun intended!) November is quite a busy month for a company which produces panto... and so we've not been 'blogging' for a while purely because we've been so busy.
So what has been going on?
Well, in our world, November is all about the final preparations, and namely that's payroll, panto technicals (lighting final designs, sound, props, finalising special effects etc), and all the finer detail.
As we type our pantos are in various stages of progress
- The Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock opened on Wed 25th, and so they've done 6 shows already! It was Gala night last night (Saturday 28th) and it was brilliant
- Loughborough Town Hall opened on Saturday 28th with 2 public previews. They go into a week of schools shows now and their gala night is Friday 4th Dec
- The Belgrade Theatre, Coventry has had it's final dress rehearsal and it opens tomorrow, 30th November (break a leg, all!)
- The Lyceum, Crewe is in full technical rehearsal ready for opening on Wednesday 2nd Dec- Eden Court, Inverness now has its set in and fitted up, and is ready to commence teching the show later in the week, in preparation for opening on Monday 7th Dec
- Shaw Theatre, London is ramping up its rehearsals ready for opening on 9th Dec
- The Victoria Theatre, Halifax and the Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl start their rehearsals tomorrow (30th Nov) ready for both to open on Saturday 12th Dec.
We're also keeping a tally in the office of how many pantos the team has seen so far. We're up to 4 viewings so far and we're taking bets on just how many it will be between all of us by the end of the season.... we reckon we'll pass 100 viewings! That's alot of slapped thighs and it's behind you's! Oh yes it is!To all in panto land - we wish you the most successful, happy and fun panto season! xxxx

The Kilmarnock Cast help Ian celebrate his
50 years at the Palace Theatre