Saturday, 10 October 2009

Beauty's going to be a cracker!

You know it's a good sign when production meetings disolve into fits of hysterical giggles with on going discussions about shaving cream, snow and flying cloaks - and that's just what happened at yesterdays production meeting for Loughborough Town Hall's production of Beauty and the Beast.

With Kevin heading up the Loughborough venue technical team, Neil Bull (director), Katie Gavin (choreographer) and the Imagine team ramping up preparations to full speed ahead, we can see the panto season just around the corner.

It's a good job Louise had been shopping and stocked up on tea bags - I've never seen 8 people get through so many cups of tea and chocolate biscuits in one meeting! But it seemed to get the creative juices flowing, and having seen the plans, if you think Loughborough's panto was good last year, just wait til you see what we have up our sleeves this year! ;O)

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